
Friday, April 16, 2010

The Healthiest Cocktail around - Bloody Mary

Now ask me why Bloody Mary Mix cocktail information is on a blog about living healthy?

Two reasons: Tomatoes and No hangovers. 

A cocktail is a mixed drink made with distilled beverages such as gin, vodka, whiskey, tequila or rum. Kahlua and Creme, Pina Colada, Gimlet, Bacardi are just some of the one's which come to mind...so which cocktail offers a delightful zing accompanied with a nutritious edge? It is the one and only Bloody Mary!

Research tomatoes and you will find both of them chocked full of nutrients and electrolytes. Tomatoes are a major dietary source of anti-oxidants such as Lycopene. Interestingly, one study cited in the Journal of Medicinal Food states that "the Lycopene content of tomatoes remained unchanged during the multistep processing operations for the production of juice or paste and remained stable for up to 12 months of storage at ambient temperature."  Canned and bottled tomato products such as V8 and Bloody Mary mixes do not show a nutritional degradation.

In addition to the anti-oxidants, there is the extra benefit of minimal hangovers, that's right the high Vitamin C content from the tomatoes also keep the hangovers at bay.

Bravo for Bloody Mary mixes! Just add your favorite tonic to the mix and go!

Meru VIP Beverage's Ultimate One Bloody Mary Mix is not only enriched with Vitamins but also includes Omega 3!



  1. Thanks, I have never seen an article on the health benefits of a cocktail. Interesting and I guess I will switch to bloody mary and tomato juices.

  2. Try & Go with Tomato Juice & ALWAYS read your labels. There a Bloody Mary Mixes that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup which you should NEVER be drinking those empty gluten sugar chemicals to begin with...Enjoy - Let the Cows eat the corn + sugar. We have better choices in our Diets


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