
Friday, April 2, 2010

Natural Ways to beat Sinusitus

Home Remedies

My daughter was approximately seven months old when I began experiencing bouts with Sinusitis which were increasing in frequency on a monthly basis! I was ordinarily a healthy woman with no history of allergies and rarely caught colds. Another oddity was that not only did I constantly contract colds but they happened to occur during the onset of my menstrual cycle.

I approached doctors who found no correlation with Menses and Sinusitis. I beg to differ as a lay person as I felt that my system was possibly more immune compromised during this stage which probably opened up the gateway to more colds.  He also gave me a depressing prognosis - I was doomed to have sinusitis for the the rest of my life and the symptoms would get worse as I age.

After months of harsh antibiotics and nasal sprays (steriod), I found myself on Google researching herbal alternatives and stumbled on a regimen which basically saved my life!

Here is the alternative:
  • Nasal lavage, Nasal lavage, Nasal lavage. This is about the best way to soothe a stuffed nasal passage. I continued the washes upto thrice a day. Once after waking, during the day and then before bed.  Be   careful not to overdo these, in particular after your system is clear.  Your nasal passages needs the natural flora! Google Nasal lavage for instructions on how to bathe your nasal passages. 
  •   Steaming. I accompanied nasal lavage with steam inhales to clear my passages
  •  Fresh Ginger in tea. I normally threw shaved ginger chunks in my herbal teas
  • Lots of Vitamins, in particular C. I consumed quite a bit of oranges and broccoli during this period
  • Hydrate yourself, drink lots of water
  • Over the counter decongestant. I took these before going to bed as this was the worst time for the stuffiness.
 The results: After pursing this regimen in a rigorous fashion with each of my bouts, I noticed that my recovery period from Sinusitis changed dramatically. I was able to recover within 1.5 weeks versus one month! In addition, the frequency of Sinusitis also decreased tremendously from being sick for six months in a row to literally one occurrence per year during high flu seasons. Over the last two years, I have noticed that I rarely have an issue with Sinusitis now and although I feel a bit fluish during my menses even these symptoms have slowly dissipated!.

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